When possible, we recommend that you favor online tutoring to avoid putting anyone at risk.
That being said, it is possible to have a tutoring session in person as long as the following safety measures are observed:
The workspace should be cleaned before and after each session. When possible, use an outdoor workspace if weather permits.
The tutor should limit the transport of objects between his house and the location of the tutoring session.
The student and tutor should use their own pencils, papers or computer.
The student and tutor must wash their hands at the beginning and at the end of the tutoring session.
The student and tutor should avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth with hands or gloves.
If it is not possible to implement distancing measures of 2 meters, the wearing of a mask or face cover (covering the nose and mouth) is strongly recommended.
In person tutoring is not allowed for the following individuals:
Individuals who exhibit symptoms compatible with COVID-19, such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or loss of smell without nasal congestion.
Individuals who have received a direction to isolate themselves by the regional public health department in their region.
Individuals who have been diagnosed with a COVID-19 infection.
Individuals who have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Individuals who have returned from travel while their period of isolation has not ended.
In addition, students and tutors who suffer from a condition that puts them at greater risk for serious complications from COVID-19 are recommended to avoid in-person tutoring and to opt for online tutoring.
Online tutoring remains a safe way to continue your tutoring sessions, and adequately prepares you for your return to school, college and university